A post from mysteria reminded me of something that had crossed my mind last night while watching the latest Star Trek, the Last Generation movie on TV. You know those Vulcans, who aren't supposed to have emotion... Well, some things that I should be doing have been a lot on my mind, lately. Looking for a part-time job is one of them. Working on my writing ideas is another. There's more. I'm sure you have some, too.
A lot of dark thinking gets in the way of accomplishing those things. Self-doubt, frustration, insecurity. Reluctance. Laziness. And I thought, wouldn't it be handy if we could simply turn off those negative emotions, and get done the stuff that needs to get done? Just flip a switch and all those nasty little emotions that we (all) allow to get in our way, at one time or another, no longer would be a hindrance...
Ahh. Wouldn't that be sweet?
But as I thought about it longer, would that device hinder our personal growth? Would it stunt our ability to get through the tough stuff? To buck up and dance to the music, even if it's our least-favorite tune?
Or would it bolster our confidence? "Whew, glad to get that out of the way." "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!" "Hey, I CAN do that, after all!" "Look at me, I'm flying!" And then next time we encounter a diffcult situation, we won't need to flip the switch, at all.
Maybe I can work on creating my own internal switch. The Don't-Think-About-It-Just-Do-It toggle. I'd get a lot more done that way, and I might even get some brownie points with the character-development people upstairs, or out there, or wherever they float around.
Do you have your own internal switch? What does yours do?